Wild dandelions:
waiting for it
Devised and performed by: Andrea Spisto and Alice Motta
Movement Direction: Justine Arden
Produced by: Pieta Gogetter

In Waiting For It, two scientists are made by an omnipresent machine in order to find “it”.They begin their surreal journey in a lab with the help of their silver umbrella’s transportation capabilities. They travel through space and time, confronted by a bird-mystic curing the audience of all their troubles in the jungle of a futuristic Latin-American continent and cloud-snow creatures in the tallest peaks of our imagination. Through their strange and delightful meetings they begin to pull apart what it really means to be human. Audience members are invited in a safe and joyful environment to cross over further into their world. A combination of European physical performance practice and Latin-American magic realism, these performers quite literally touch on the collaborative unity of playfulness.